Sunday, November 27, 2011

the end of a dark time?!

hello there!?

first of advent :D thought i could try to decorate christmasy without too much red this time. get a little tired of all the red;)

but, of course there`s always a little red sneaking in there... it just gives such a warmth that we need in winter:D

decorated the apartment with my son, that i was watching, since my ex husband was at his annual xmas party;)

okay my son was asking a lot of questions and touching everything, know how it is...but it was nice anyway:D

fall at nicole`s house

advent at nicole`s house

oh my! while uploading this pictures i managed to do 11 chrunches;)

13! who knew that blogging can be such a good work out? ;)

enough with the crunches already;)

have a beautiful start of december, you lovelies:D

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