Sunday, October 2, 2011

moving about - moving tips

since i moved there have passed two months already...:O
in my life i think i moved alltogether 17 times.
here my best moving tips:

tip no. 1

two months before:

use time to unclutter the attic, storage spaces, the garage, all drawers, cupboards and closets.
imagine you only have a week left and not much space in your new home, i mean: throw things away. a lot of things. give away old clothes, organize memories in pretty or practical containers with labels on.
sell things you don`t need anymore.
stuff is baggage in life.

tip no. 2

six weeks before:

make a list of your new rooms.
then write what function this room will have, what you will use it for. think through it.
 draw sketches of the rooms layout and find where things will go.
give all the rooms numbers, even small hallways and storage rooms.

tip no. 3

five weeks before:

buy moving supplies and book a mover/helpers.
buy dobbel the amount of boxes you think you need;-)

start packing the boxes and write the number of the room it`s gonna go to, on it.
you don`t actually need to write what`s in the box.

tips no. 4

one week/day before:

drive to your new place if you have access to it. bring paper, tape and a marker.
go to each room and find the best spot to place the boxes. hang up a sheet with an arrow to where you want to place the boxes in each room with the number of the room on it.
make a big sheet with a list of numbers and names of the rooms and hang up in the entrance.
if it`s a big home, you can draw a map.

hang up a sheet with the room number on each door.

on moving day you only need to explain your concept to your helpers.
this works great!!!

have a good move and a good week!


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